Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tropical storm and hurricane, oh my!

All eyes are on Hurricane Earl here in NC. We're currently under a tropical storm watch so things are about to become mass chaos! We don't want him to come here, and I hate to say this but, we're overdue for a storm. I think we're ready. Right now it looks like it will just brush the coast but if things change we may have to board up the sliding glass doors and a few windows because the winds are so strong. Tommy will have to work and he'll have to stay at the office during the storm. Bailey and I will head over to my parents until it passes.

I really hope it steers clear of here! The kids at school were crazy today and already wondering if we'll have school on Friday! I told them they better not wish that too much because we'll have to make it up.

So there's my distraction for this week! Stay away Earl!


  1. Yikes - I can't imagine the anticipation of that, let alone the event itself. I'll keep my cold weather and random earthquakes, thankyouverymuch! :) Hope Earl stays away from you!!

  2. Ooh, scary! We only get tornadoes here in Wisconsin. Random earthquakes are scary too! I pray for your safety. I have heard a lot about the hurricanes. Hope I don't ever have to experience the effects of one.


  3. I've been through several hurricanes of all sizes, and they all freak me out. So scary! I hope you guys stay safe and dry. Fingers crossed that Earl heads out to sea.
