Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New beginnings

Well today is it. The last official day of my summer vacation (insert a very sad girl here) :) I can't believe it's over. This has to be one of the fastest summers I have had in a long time! The good news about that is that I haven't driven myself crazy thinking about the adoption. I've even refrained from emailing our social worker this month. Last summer we were busy making sure all of the paperwork was complete and waiting to hear on approvals from our applications. The summer before that we were totally involved with the IVF and then the miscarriage. This summer was just about having fun! I really think I needed it. I've gotten to spend time with our amazing friends, go to the beach, sleep in (oh how I will miss that one), shop, and travel. That's probably why the summer has felt so short.

But a new school year brings a new beginning. I'm able to start all over again. I teach 7th and 8th graders. Half of the 8th grade I taught last year so I already know them (I know almost all of them because our school is so small). The one great thing about the beginning of the school year is reconnecting with those kids and having the opportunity to start fresh, not just me but them as well.

Who knows what this year will bring! Of course I'm praying my heart out that I won't be able to finish the year out because we'll be bringing home a baby, but that's not in my hands either. So for now I'll just keep on keeping on! Here's to the 2010-2011 year! **You guys will be in for a treat once school starts back and I have middle school drama to share with you!


  1. I am so glad you have enjoyed your summer! You deserve it. I hope this school year brings you good news!!! :)

  2. Glad to hear that you have been enjoying your summer vacation! Good for you!!! You deserve!

    Here's hoping that the new "year" brings you all that you desire!

  3. I'm so glad you had a fun summer. Good luck with the start of the new school year! I hope that next summer will be filled with diapers and onesies. :)

  4. Cheers to the New School Year :D
