Sunday, August 28, 2011

We survived!

Whew! We started getting rain around 8 on Friday morning. The winds didn't pick up until the afternoon and the strongest ones started at 2 am. The rain didn't end until 8 last night. We never lost power, thank goodness, but did lose cable, internet and our home phone. Those were restored by last night. We lost one small pine tree and had some branches/yard debris. I'm glad we were prepared though because you just never know with storms like these. We all were very fortunate that she weakened before she hit the coast. My parents had two transformers near them that actually blew up and exploded; they had to call the fire department during the storm to get the fire out. Around town there are some trees down, a car dealership lost their roof, and some billboards were damaged but other than that all is ok. We ended up with 8 inches of rain and we really needed it. I think that's why the flooding wasn't as bad because the ground around here has been so dry.

We had to go yesterday, once the winds died down some, and check on the beach house. They only let you back on the beach if you have a "sticker" issued by the beach to get back on (only for residents). We had to wait in line and they told us to go straight to the house because the island was still closed. The back and side gutters were ripped off the house and a few shingles were missing but there was no water damage! The tide was unbelievably low; I've never seen it like this before. The wind was raging still down there; almost to the point that it would take your breath away (don't worry Garrett wasn't with us). I had to walk over to the beach side and see what it looked like over there. Everything is very flat. Dunes are still up but the "hills" from the pumped in sand are no more. There were huge, whole conch shells all over the beach (that's rare to find here) and tons of shells. I even managed to find 3 starfish-one was purple and the other 2 were purple and tan. Really cool; I've only found brown ones around here before.

I will say my one huge disappointment with this whole storm was the media coverage. It stunk! Granted I know it's rare for the NE to get storms like this but on Friday when we're in the brunt of it, there's nothing to be found. Everyone was talking about evacuations in NY and the Jersey Shore. I really feel sorry for our Outer Banks neighbors who were completely left out of all talks about what was going on. I know people all over were complaining around here and I hope these big media outlets hear about it!

Thanks for all of your prayers!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Oh Irene!

We are now under a Hurricane warning and waiting still to see what Hurricane Irene is going to do. Can't believe we may be facing a huge storm like this. In one way you get really used to them but in another you just never know what may come. It's much different this time especially since we now have Garrett to care for.

For now, we have all of the supplies we will need and we even went out tonight and bought a generator. I'm hoping we won't need to use any of it but it doesn't look like that's going to be the case. All of our outside furniture and anything else that may blow away is now stored in the garage :)

Please pray for our community as we face this storm! My verse on my calendar today: "With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible!" Mark 10:27

Monday, August 22, 2011


I can't believe it but on Friday Garrett started crawling! How did he grow up this fast? It's hard to believe that he is already 7 months old. He looks so cute though crawling around and exploring all of this new territory. He is definitely active and I'm not sure if we're ready for that :) At first he would only go a few steps and then would stop and sit up but last night he came from the living room into the kitchen to see what I was doing. He's also trying really hard to pull himself up; I think he really wants to get on those feet!

I also have now caught up with everyone's blogs; last week my blog list wasn't updating so I thought everyone was being quiet :) It looks like it's working again now!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Party and photos!

The party went great this past weekend! We had about 55 family and friends join us to celebrate the finalization on Garrett's adoption. I'm so glad that we had so many to come and support us and love on him! I'll have to write more in an update later on but wanted to share some pictures. I know it's been a while :) Oh, and we almost have a crawler! I can't believe it! I think we are going to be in trouble :)

A boy and his dog :) I'm so glad they get along so well! I don't think Bailey knows what she's in for!

How can you not just love this face! Our little chief!

At the party with his Aunt D

The cake looked like his invitation

Family picture at the party

The tree we had everyone sign and stamp their thumbprint
Oops, a little late on this one :)

What? I'm not supposed to be messing with the camera bag

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A new year

Well it's already that time of year again, a new school year is getting ready to begin (whether I'm ready or not) :) While I do love my job, I hate to have to leave home. I feel like summer has just started! My Grandma is biting at the bit to be able to come over and keep our little doodlebug while I'm at school. I'm so glad that she's still able to do that for us.

This year is different. As I was watching him play in the tub tonight, I realized this is my first school year going in as a mother. I could feel the tears in my eyes because I remember all too well going to school 3 years ago, pregnant, but not knowing if my babies were going to make it. I remember walking into school that year and thinking how things were going to change. God had other plans. But now, I am a mom and I couldn't be happier. He brings so much joy to our lives. That heartache and sting of infertility is still there but now my prayers have come to life in this sweet baby boy. I am so, so thankful that he is in our family and for his birthmother who chose life.

Party plans are up and running for Saturday too! At first I wasn't sure how many would be coming but we have been overwhelmed with family and friends that are going to make it! I'm so excited that they are going to come celebrate our "official" family!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mountain trip and a sick baby

We went for one last trip this past weekend before I have to go back to school this Thursday. We went up and stayed in my Aunt and Uncle's cabin in the mountains. We had a great time and Garrett seemed to enjoy himself. We were hoping to find cooler weather but the heat seemed to follow us there!

There was also another reason for this trip; we had the opportunity to meet with Garrett's birthmom on Friday. I'm not sure how I thought things would go but it didn't necessarily go the way I thought it would. Not that it was bad, it was just different. We didn't feel threatened or anything like that because I know that's what a lot of people usually think. I can't go into a lot of details here because you just never know who is reading this stuff and I want to respect their privacy. I'm glad we did it because I had a lot of questions/worry in my mind about her and I'm glad I was able to see her and get some of those things cleared up. I would really be surprised if we got another chance at doing this again. We did get some pictures of her with Garrett and I'm glad we'll have those to share with him later.

And speaking of my sweet boy. He's so sick. I can't stand to see him this way. I had some sort of little head cold/sinus stuff last week and I think he's caught it. I had to take him to the doctor this morning and besides the congestion, poor thing has a hard time breathing, he had a fever, sore throat, and an inner ear infection. They put him on antibiotics and said they usually start feeling better in a couple of days. I hope so because work will be here before I know it!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Life matters!

I'm posting this with permission from my cousins. If you remember back to March, they lost their sweet baby boy. In NC they don't issue birth nor death certificates for stillborn births. Please read this story, pass it along to others, and sign the petition in hopes that our legislators will see the importance of life! Here's their story:

I went through 40weeks and 2 days of pregnancy with my beautiful little Zion . However, he was born sleeping March 29th 2011.I went through labor just as if he were breathing that day. I delivered a baby, a life that mattered, but yet that is not what our... legislation says. I was not entitled to a birth or death certificate according to NC state laws. What??? I just gave birth to a 7lb 9oz 20 in. long baby with his daddy's chin and long fingers and his sister's pouty lips. He was perfect and definitely a life , a human being. He was a part of me. How can God's creation not matter. I had to give birth to him , give him a proper memorial service ,I got a whopping hospital bill and dr bills , but for what ??The hospital was not required to give me a birth certificate or death certificate that would acknowledge what we just went through. It's been over 4 months and nothing but a box full of trinkets from the hospital, a locket of his precious black hair and a few pictures for when our memories fade. Please help us as we try to change the legislation of this state. Zion's life did matter to so many of us. Please be one to help change the laws so NC moms that have to give birth to their sleeping babies can have some acknowledgment that their baby's life matters.Thanks for our family and friends we love you and thank you so much for your support throughout the darkest time of our life. Please go to the link and sign the petition!!!​/3/certificate-of-birth-result​ing-in-stillbirth-in-north-car​olina/