Thursday, October 7, 2010

Back in the groove

It's been so hard trying to get back into the swing of things, not only at work but at home too. Thankfully I have a 3 day weekend this weekend so I can catch up on some sleep :)

It's been one of those weeks. The past few days have been downers. I have no idea why. It's probably a combination of a lot of things and I've been worrying about the adoption lately. Something I try not to let myself do but I'm only human and it happens. I just have to boost those prayers up a bit more and try to fully rely on God and what He has in store for us through this process. I checked in with our social worker at the beginning of the week and it sounds like things have been pretty slow. I know God is just molding us during this time and I just need to stay faithful. He will provide! That's how this whole adoption thing goes, at least for me anyways, you have good days and bad days but thankfully the good outweigh the bad.

A friend was placed with their second adopted son this week so that's very exciting and I'm so happy for her. They waited for the China program for almost 4 years and then switched to domestic. Also, our friends in Florida got a call today that their profile was chosen and they'll meet with the birthparents at the end of the month. I pray this is the one for them. They've been through so much already but our shining examples of how to stay strong and keep the faith through things like this.


  1. I am praying for you guys...I know exactly how you both are feeling right now. I do not think anyone who has not gone through adoption understands...I have my good & bad days too :) But your right God is molding us and ultimately has a better plan than we do :) Blessings!!!

  2. Wow, that's too bad that adoption is such a long haul. Life would be so much better for the children and adoptive parents if the process didn't take so darn long.

    God definitely is molding us through our trials and waits. In the end, His beautiful plan will come through and glory will be brought to Him. Praying for you and your husband.
